Sylvania Waterways Ltd EGM 23 May 2018 Results

Posted May 29, 2018

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Resolution For Against Abstain Outcome
1a 99% 1% Passed
1b 93% 3% 3% Passed
1c 99% 1% Passed
1d 96% 4% Passed
2 85% 12% 2% Passed
3 6% 92% 2% Defeated
4  12% 85% 2% Defeated
5 82% 12% 6% Passed

Resolution 1a ~ That Mr John Bechaye be confirmed as a director of the Company.

Resolution 1b ~ That Mr Francois Jouy be confirmed as a director of the Company.

Resolution 1c ~ That Mr Nick Silvestro be confirmed as a director of the Company.

Resolution 1d ~ That Mr Rolf Wiedemann be confirmed as an associate director of the Company.


Resolution 2

That all new sea walls meet the Company’s engineering standards and are concrete in appearance. That a concrete fascia be installed to all Truline Sea walls within 3 months of the date of this meeting.

Resolution 3

That all new sea walls meet the Company’s engineering standards and are concrete in appearance. That all sea walls installed using the Truline system be fitted with a concrete   fascia to retain a consistent appearance with original sea walls. The concrete fascia is to be installed within 10 years from the date of the sea wall installation approval granted by the Company.

Resolution 4

That construction of new sea walls, or repairs to existing sea walls, in Sylvania Waters, be permitted on condition that they meet the engineering standards of the Company’s sea wall engineers. That there be no requirement for a concrete fascia to be applied to all Truline sea walls, provided a concrete fascia is an option that can be installed at a later date, at the Member’s discretion.                    

Resolution 5                                                                                                                                                 

That the Company charge an annual license fee to non-licensed members where waterfront owners with waterfront devices, fail to obtain a waterfront license within 12 months of property settlement; and or, have their license cancelled due to non-remediation of non-compliant waterfront devices within 6 months of notification by the Company.  The amount of the annual license fee is to be determined by the Board on an annual basis, and comes into effect on the first day of July each year.