We thank all our members who attended this year’s 2022 Annual General Meeting of Sylvania Waterways Limited. The results of the resolutions put before the meeting are as follows:
Resolution: “To accept the annual financial statements of the Company for the year-ended 30 June 2022 together with the directors’ and auditor’s reports.” PASSED.
Resolution: “Dr Tony Noun, being a director of the Company who retires by rotation, being eligible, is elected as a director of the Company.” PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
Resolution: “Mr Kimon Giannopoulos, being a director of the Company who retires by rotation, being eligible, is elected as a director of the Company.” PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
Resolution: “To prohibit all short-term rentals (including but not limited to Airbnb), for all members of Sylvania Waterways Ltd”. PASSED