Sylvania Waterways Ltd EGM 23 May 2018

Posted April 23, 2018

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As an outcome of the General Meeting on 27 November 2017 Sylvania Waterways Ltd will be holding an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Members for the purpose of;

1 – Members considering and voting on the future construction and appearance of sea walls in Sylvania Waters and;

 2 – Members considering and voting to provide clarity and guidance for the Board in its management of membership and compliance with the Company’s safety standards and regulations as well as Sutherland Shire Council’s (SSC) Local Environmental Plan (LEP), for the benefit of all waterfront owners.

The EGM will take place at Doltone House on Wednesday 23 May 2018 commencing at 7.30pm.  Details will be mailed to Members shortly.  All members are encouraged to attend.